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FILPIN is to be considered whenever core build-up is used and less than one half of a coronal tooth structure remaining. Bonding alone is not sufficient in many situations were minimal tooth structure is present. Pins provide anti-rotational benefit when a single post is used.
FILPIN, designed engineered to make placement easier, faster, safer, stronger. The shaft is 99.8% pure titanium, biocompatible, compatible with all dental materials and will not corrode. The self-threading, self-aligning pin speeds and eases placement for self-shearing first time, every time once optimum depth is reached. After insertion FILPIN can be easily bent to suit the restoration without breaking it or the tooth. A unique thread design maximizes retention strength without causing internal stresses that may lead to cracking or crazing.
FILPIN is to be considered whenever core build-up is used and less than one half of a coronal tooth structure remaining. Bonding alone is not sufficient in many situations were minimal tooth structure is present. Pins provide anti-rotational benefit when a single post is used.
FILPIN, designed engineered to make placement easier, faster, safer, stronger. The shaft is 99.8% pure titanium, biocompatible, compatible with all dental materials and will not corrode. The self-threading, self-aligning pin speeds and eases placement for self-shearing first time, every time once optimum depth is reached. After insertion FILPIN can be easily bent to suit the restoration without breaking it or the tooth. A unique thread design maximizes retention strength without causing internal stresses that may lead to cracking or crazing.
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